Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies

Kappa Sigma began as Omega Kappa at Jacksonville State University in 1968. Shown 1972-1973 members and little sisters of the greek organization gather outside. Members were Dick Spencer (Grand Master), Bill Smith (Grand Procurator), Stan Moore (Grand Master of Ceremonies), Bill Horton (Grand Scribe), Rusty Vann (Grand Treasurer), Jerry Jones, Ed Logan (Guards), Sandy Berry, Dick Brooks, Gary Bryant, John Chappell, Clarence Daugette, Tom Finley, Bill Furrey, Larry Gilchrist, Pat Henry, David Hodge, Mike Holman, Eddie Howard, Mike Howell, Larry Kelley, John Kidd, Dick L'Eplattenier, Steve Levinson, Eric Love, Gary McBay, Gene Rhodes, Steve Dempsey, Skip Nesbitt, Steve Nix, David Osborn, Mike Partain, Dan Perry, David Roberts, Rick Rotters, Roy Silence, Jim Smith, Randall Stoner, John Sudduth, Terry Sudduth Rick Vann, John Vines, Dewayne Wells, Jimmy Whatley, Wes Whitten, Dale Wilson, Steve Zauche, Mike Scruggs, Jerry Carroll, David Collins, Dan Echols, Sandy Deibler, Joe Gardella, Randy Hurst, Wayne Roberson, Earl Underwood, Fran Williams, Williams Wiliams, Mickey Williams, Bob Blackwell, Blane Clayton, John Brewer, Tom Grainger, Mike Latham, Tony Rollins. Little sisters were Nancy Aycock, Bennie Berry, Beth Brown, Rita Cabassa, Debra Coffey, Becky Cook, Diane Davis, Gayle Denson, Nancie Ellis, Kathy Greer, Janis Harris, Vicki Heizer, Pam Holmes, Becky Jackson, Cathy Jackson, Gwen Law, Cecilia Lett, Margaret Lloyd, Sharon McCamy, Lana Musso, Jane Newbanks, Joy Norwood, Bridget Oakes, Sharon Robinson, Jean Rogers, Rachel Rushing, Julie Russell, Connie Saunders, Cheryl Schaeppi, Sara Seaborn, Donna Self, Nancy Shouse, Claudette Smith, Becky Smith, Marily Vilece, Lynn Weekley, Janet Wickersham, Nancy Wolk, Jane Woods, Kathy Zito, Rosanna Zito (President), Lynne Rutledge (Secretary), Shirley Sundberg (Treasurer).
Date Digitized
August 2018
Names of Persons Pictured
Dick Spencer, Bill Smith, Stan Moore, Bill Horton, Rusty Vann, Jerry Jones, Ed Logan, Sandy Berry, Dick Brooks, Gary Bryant, John Chappell, Clarence Daugette, Tom Finley, Bill Furrey, Larry Gilchrist, Pat Henry, David Hodge, Mike Holman, Eddie Howard, Mike Howell, Larry Kelley, John Kidd, Dick L'Eplattenier, Steve Levinson, Eric Love, Gary McBay, Gene Rhodes, Steve Dempsey, Skip Nesbitt, Steve Nix, David Osborn, Mike Partain, Dan Perry, David Roberts, Rick Rotters, Roy Silence, Jim Smith, Randall Stoner, John Sudduth, Terry Sudduth Rick Vann, John Vines, Dewayne Wells, Jimmy Whatley, Wes Whitten, Dale Wilson, Steve Zauche, Mike Scruggs, Jerry Carroll, David Collins, Dan Echols, Sandy Deibler, Joe Gardella, Randy Hurst, Wayne Roberson, Earl Underwood, Fran Williams, Williams Wiliams, Mickey Williams, Bob Blackwell, Blane Clayton, John Brewer, Tom Grainger, Mike Latham, Tony Rollins. Little sisters were Nancy Aycock, Bennie Berry, Beth Brown, Rita Cabassa, Debra Coffey, Becky Cook, Diane Davis, Gayle Denson, Nancie Ellis, Kathy Greer, Janis Harris, Vicki Heizer, Pam Holmes, Becky Jackson, Cathy Jackson, Gwen Law, Cecilia Lett, Margaret Lloyd, Sharon McCamy, Lana Musso, Jane Newbanks, Joy Norwood, Bridget Oakes, Sharon Robinson, Jean Rogers, Rachel Rushing, Julie Russell, Connie Saunders, Cheryl Schaeppi, Sara Seaborn, Donna Self, Nancy Shouse, Claudette Smith, Becky Smith, Marily Vilece, Lynn Weekley, Janet Wickersham, Nancy Wolk, Jane Woods, Kathy Zito, Rosanna Zito, Lynne Rutledge, Shirley Sundberg
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Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies