Endurance Athletes' Nutrition and Supplementation: A Holistic Review of Macronutrients, Hydration, and Performance-Enhancing Substances

Endurance Athletes' Nutrition and Supplementation: A Holistic Review of Macronutrients, Hydration, and Performance-Enhancing Substances



Faculty Mentor

Majid Koozehchian, Kinesiology


Submission Type



9:15-9:25am | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


NOTE: Video of this presentation is not available.

As the spectrum of events tailored for endurance athletes has broadened, there has been a corresponding surge in global participation. Yet, a persistent enigma surrounds these athletes: the source of sustenance that enables them to withstand such arduous conditions. Opinions on nutritional strategies for endurance athletes vary widely, presenting a complex landscape shaped by diverse perspectives from health professionals. This review aims to demystify the proverbial "engine" that drives endurance athletes by employing a systematic research approach.

To address this, the review incorporates an extensive PubMed/Medline literature search, focusing on pertinent subjects, including the dietary needs of endurance athletes, their nutritional intake, and how these factors influence their performance. The investigation delves into the latest empirical evidence concerning macronutrients, hydration strategies, and supplementation and how these elements interplay with endurance athletes' physical demands.

The findings from this comprehensive search coalesce into three principal revelations. The first revelation notes that while carbohydrate intake and hydration guidelines have remained relatively stable over time, understanding protein and fat consumption in the context of endurance sports requires further exploration. The second revelation assesses the potential advantages of specific supplements for endurance athletes, including nitrates, antioxidants, caffeine, and probiotics, all of which are thoroughly evaluated within this review. The third revelation examines the concept of 'training low', a regimen involving low carbohydrate intake, and the subsequent 'recovery window', highlighting the significance of post-exercise nutrition.

In summary, this review furnishes healthcare professionals who support endurance athletes with a clearer comprehension of the critical components concerning macronutrients, hydration, and supplementation. It aims to enhance the quality of care provided to these athletes by offering a detailed, evidence-based insight into their unique nutritional requirements.


student research, kinesiology


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Endurance Athletes' Nutrition and Supplementation: A Holistic Review of Macronutrients, Hydration, and Performance-Enhancing Substances
