A Proposal for Cost-Effective Mental Health Facilities in the United States

A Proposal for Cost-Effective Mental Health Facilities in the United States



Faculty Mentor

Mark Sciuchetti, Chemistry and Geosciences


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Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


3:45-3:55pm | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


Recent studies have underscored an increasing public consciousness and advocacy in the realm of mental health, particularly in light of the escalating suicide rates across the United States. This research aims to contribute significantly to the support of individuals battling suicidal ideations and actions. Central to our objectives is to elevate mental health awareness and innovatively propose the establishment of cost-effective mental health facilities, especially in economically disadvantaged areas. The research focuses on four distinct regions with notable high poverty rates within the United States: The Western, Southern, Southwestern, and Northern Regions (specifically California, Alabama, Texas, and Pennsylvania). Each region, characterized by unique socio-economic and demographic profiles, presents an opportunity to explore diverse approaches to mental health care accessibility and affordability across various spatial scales. The impetus for this research is solidified by alarming statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on suicide in the United States. Notably, suicide was identified as the ninth leading cause of death in 2021. The suicide rates have surged by 30% from 2000 to 2020, with a staggering 36% rise during the COVID-19 pandemic years of 2020 to 2022. This analysis aims to elucidate the public's dire need for affordable mental health facilities and resources in these identified regions. Utilizing a blend of quantitative data analysis and qualitative case studies, the work will offer comprehensive insights into the current state of mental health services and identify gaps in the existing infrastructure. The overarching goal of this study is to advocate for establishing and enhancing a sufficient number of cost-effective mental health services in high-poverty areas and provide suggestions for policymakers on suicide prevention in their communities. The methodology pertaining to this subject is to review demographic data furnished by the Census Bureau and focus on key contributors that will sustain this hypothesis through regression analysis, spatial analytics, and story mapping. By visually depicting the data displayed in a map, we observe the focal regions and how geography, suicide rates, existing mental health facilities, education, income, and age can contribute to the need for cost-effective mental health services and advocate for state or federally funded programs in these identified areas. Through this research, we aim to not only increase awareness of mental health needs but also contribute substantially to the reduction of suicide rates among Americans, thereby addressing a crucial public health issue.


student research, geography


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A Proposal for Cost-Effective Mental Health Facilities in the United States
