The Ghanaian War Against Malaria: A Geospatial Approach to Malaria and Healthcare Access in Ghana

The Ghanaian War Against Malaria: A Geospatial Approach to Malaria and Healthcare Access in Ghana



Faculty Mentor

Joe Morgan, Chemistry & Geosciences; Mark Sciuchetti, Chemistry & Geosciences


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Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


11:00-11:10am | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


For many nations, including Ghana, the fight against malaria has long been a difficult task, with millions of cases annually. This geospatial research project aims to analyze the complex interplay between demographic factors, cultural beliefs, preventive measures, healthcare access, and malaria incidence in Ghana. Key research questions include examining the relationship between malaria cases and healthcare access, the impact of vaccinations on malaria prevalence, the role of mosquito bed net usage, and the influence of cultural beliefs on malaria prevention and treatment. The study will use GIS and spatial analysis to map malaria distribution, healthcare facility locations, vaccination success rates, bed net usage, along with other cultural factors. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, the research uses surveys, interviews, and secondary data sources such as Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) datasets, Ghana Statistical Services data, Malaria Atlas, and WHO reports. This comprehensive approach aims to provide evidence-based insights into malaria control, healthcare access disparities, and cultural influences. The research aims to identify malaria hotspots, assess healthcare access inequalities, and optimize resource allocation for the Ghanaian government. This research project holds great promise for advancing our understanding of malaria in Ghana and informing targeted interventions to reduce its prevalence. The project will contribute to the global effort to combat malaria, improve healthcare access, and enhance the health and well-being of Ghana's population.


student research, geography


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The Ghanaian War Against Malaria: A Geospatial Approach to Malaria and Healthcare Access in Ghana
