Nurture vs. Nature Quilted Posters

Nurture vs. Nature Quilted Posters



Faculty Mentor

Chad Anderson, Art & Design


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Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


8:30-8:40am | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


Is it Nurture or Nature that determines one's identity, influence, and inspiration? The concept for this poster series revolves around the thought that both nurture and nature are woven and stitched together to form one’s identity, influence, and inspiration. For this piece, I used botanical specimens to create monoprints which I then cut down and sewed together with maps to create the finished posters. The botanical specimens overlap in such a way to show the layering influence of nature. There are some qualities that individuals have simply because of the fact that they are born with such qualities. Other qualities are formed by the environment in which the individual is raised, represented by the maps in the posters. One’s identity, influence, and inspiration can all be guided by both nurture and nature. This artwork explores the idea that these characteristics stem from both the way that one is born and the environment surrounding the individual. Nurture and nurture weave together to form the beauty of individuality.


student research, art


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Art and Design

Nurture vs. Nature Quilted Posters
