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Alpha Psi Omega presented an abridged production of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, produced by the JSU Department of Theatre and Film and The Shakespeare Project. (April 2021)
- Directed by: Dr. Michael Boynton and Gregory Heathcock
- Scenic Design: Jessica Collier
- Costume Design: Eleanor Boozer
- Dramaturgs: Rebecca Weaver and Carmine Di Biase
- Stage Manager: Cheyenne Oliver
- Assistant Stage Manager: Grayson Singleton
- Theseus/Oberon: Michael Boynton
- Hippolyta/Titania: Carolyn Conover
- Puck/Egeus/Philostrate: Kenli Doss
- Quince/Fairy/Cobweb/Peaseblossom/Mustardseed: Bridgett Rayburn
- Lysander/Bottom: Trey Gresham
- Demetrius/Flute: Trevor McWilliams
- Helena/Snug: Carley Carey
- Hermia/Snout: Keeley Tibbitts
Theatre and Performance Studies
theatre performance, Shakespeare
Is Part Of
Access to these recordings and materials is provided by the Houston Cole Library at Jacksonville State University; the materials are the property of The Shakespeare Project. They are intended for educational use, including research, teaching, personal, or any fair use as defined by U.S. copyright law. Users of these materials are asked to acknowledge The Shakespeare Project.
Recommended Citation
Boynton, Michael and Heathcock, Gregory, "A Midsummer Night's Dream (2021) | Performance Video" (2021). The Shakespeare Project. 3.