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This performance of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar was adapted and directed by Carrie Colton, with Emily Duncan as Executive Director and Carmine DiBiase as Dramaturg. The cast features:
- Caesar: Michael Boynton
- Brutus: Anatasha Blakely
- Antony: Eunice Akinola
- Cassius: Karl Hawkins
- Cinna: Lizzie Powers
- Casca: Aaron Hagos
- Ligarious: Nardge Francois
- Octavius: Stephanie Escorza
- Cinna the Poet: Kennedy Jones
- Lepidus: Sean Golson
- Lucius: Dylan Hurst
- Portia: Jacob Sorling
- Calpurnia: Emily Taylor
Theatre and Performance Studies
theatre performance, Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
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Access to these recordings and materials is provided by the Houston Cole Library at Jacksonville State University; the materials are the property of The Shakespeare Project. They are intended for educational use, including research, teaching, personal, or any fair use as defined by U.S. copyright law. Users of these materials are asked to acknowledge The Shakespeare Project.
Recommended Citation
Colton, Carrie, "Julius Caesar (2018) | Performance Video" (2018). The Shakespeare Project. 2.