
Performed: 16-26 February 2006; "Crazy for You" was presented by the Departments of Drama and Music. The Gershwin musical was directed by Wayne H. Claeren, vocal director was Teresa Stricklin, choreographer was Laura Danette, music director was Jeremy Stovall, scenic designer and producer was Carlton Ward, costume designer was Freddy Clements, costume shop manager was Randal W. Blades, technical director and lighting design was David Keefer, stage manager was Sandra Knight, assistant stage manager was Joe Carter, fight choreographer was Jason Skinner, assistant to the vocal director was Eric Traynor, dance captain was Andrea Messick, and box office was Jan Rhodes. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive.
This performance was held in the Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center Theatre.
- J. Paul Sirten -- Bobby Child
- Russell Reeps -- Bela Zangler
- Jessica Smith -- Irene Roth
- Caryl Stahl -- Mrs. Lottie Child
- Andrea Messick -- Tess
- Heather Norton -- Patsy
- Beth Stanford -- Elaine
- Leslie Lewis -- Louise
- Caitlin Perkins -- Susie
- Eranika Wray -- Betsy
- Jacque Halter -- Margie
- Kelly Palmer -- Sheila
- Casey Bryant -- Vera
- Stella Pierce -- Velma
- Dustin Stilwell -- Chauffeur
- Pam Shirley -- Polly Baker
- Jason Skinner -- Lank Hawkins
- Brian Seitel -- Everett Baker
- Andrew Cayse -- Eugene Fodor
- Denise Davis -- Patricia Fodor
- Cory Tuck -- Jimmy
- Steven DiBlasi -- Mingo
- Michael Turner -- Sam
- Brandon Green -- Harry
- Gatlin Alldredge -- Custus
- Josh Mayfield -- Wyatt
- Dustin Stilwell -- Junior
- Justin Ridgeway -- Moose
Is Part Of
The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Musicals
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Recommended Citation
Jacksonville State University, "Crazy for You (2006) | Image 009" (2006). Department of Theatre & Film Performance Archive | Images. 8019.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Musicals