"A Thousand Clowns (1996) | Image 004" by Jacksonville State University




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Pictured: Allison Graydon, Jonathan Whitton; Performed: 25 July - 3 August 1996; Herb Gardner's "A Thousand Clowns" was part of JSU's "Taste of the Town" 1996 summer dinner theater. It is a comedy about an uncle who has been taking care of his nephew. Child welfare is not happy with the arrangement because they believe the uncle to be too much of a free spirit to raise the child. The play was directed by Wayne Claeren, scenic/lighting design/managing director/produced by Carlton Ward, costume coordination by Freddy Clements, technical direction/sound design by David Keefer, sound/light board operated by Todd Edwards, stage managed/props by Mishia Edwards, costume shop managed by Joyce Tate, program design by Debbie Johnson. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive.


This performance was held in the Leone Cole Auditorium.


  • Jonathan Whitton -- Nick Burns
  • Steven Whitton -- Murray Burns
  • Jason St. John -- Albert Amundson
  • Allison Graydon -- Sandra Markowitz
  • David Downs -- Arnold Burns
  • Neil Jones -- Leo Herman


The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.


Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama


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Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama
