
Pictured: Jay Ennis; Performed: 28-30 October 1992; Christopher P. Nicholes' "Dracula" is set in Witby, England circa 1892. Young Mina Murray, courted by the elusive Count Dracula, has a strange disease. A professor is sent to investigate her disease at the asylum. The play was directed by and scenic/poster and program design by Amanda Ennis, costume coordination by Jennifer Jacobs, faculty advisement by Carlton Ward, lighting & sound by Chris Capps, technical direction by David Keefer, stage management by Mishia Burns and Tom Millington. Steve Smith composed the original score and performed on cello at times throughout the play. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive.
This performance was held in the Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center Theatre.
- Steve Smith -- The Mad Court Composer
- Alana Parker -- The Young Dead Woman
- Ginger Cusimano -- The Mad Child
- Doug Millington -- Dr. Arthur Seward
- Chris Allen -- Snelling
- Patrick Freeland -- Prof. Abraham Van Helsing
- Don Elliott -- Johnathan Harker
- Jeannie Collins -- Mina Murray
- Shane Smith -- R.M. Renfield
- Jay Ennis -- Count Dracula
- Dennis Lashbrook, Mike Wilson, Antjuan Oden, Todd F. Edwards, Brenda Gentry, Racey Harris, Kevin Curvin, Kimberly Kinsey, Kathryn Polka, Lynn Kotula, Kirstin Mitchell, Jamey Graydon, Jason Thompson -- Lunatics
Is Part Of
The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama
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Recommended Citation
Jacksonville State University, "Dracula (1992) | Image 005" (1992). Department of Theatre & Film Performance Archive | Images. 3341.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama