"H.M.S. Pinafore (1987) | Image 059" by Jacksonville State University




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Performed: 19-24 February 1987; Gilbert and Sullivan's "HMS Pinafore" is a comic opera. It is a satirical take on the British class system and promotion of unqualified people to positions of power. The opera was produced and scenic designed by Carlton Ward, costume and makeup designed by Alice Morton, lighting design and technical direction by David Keefer, orchestra conducted by Carl Anderson, vocal direction by Deborah Sperlich, stage management by Cathi Sigmon, and assistant to director was Doug Stewart. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive.


This performance was held in the Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center Theatre.


  • Mike Roberts -- Senior Midshipmite
  • Michael Thornton -- Junior Midshipmite
  • Ron Attinger -- Bill Bobstay
  • Ken Bodiford -- Bob Becket
  • Sally Simpson -- Little Buttercup
  • Bart Sorrell -- Dick Deadeye
  • Lee Pope -- Ralph Rackstraw
  • Cary Braque -- Captain Corcoran
  • Steven Whitton -- Sir Joseph Porter
  • Georgia Brown -- Josephine
  • Julie Durbin -- Cousin Hebe
  • Eric Wayne Key, Scott Croley -- Marines
  • Robbie Abernathy, Beverly Attinger, Elizabeth Attinger, Rachel Bernstein, Paige Fumbanks, Debbie Reeves, Caryl Stahl, Lois Stahl, Maia Surace, Kristina Thorstensson, Tara Turner, Cathleen Welker, Shannon Welker -- Sir Joseph's Relatives
  • Tim Ballard, Johnny Cassiano, Todd Cox, Scott Gladden, David Duvall, Alan Payne, Andre' Robinsin -- Sailors


The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.


Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Musicals


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Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Musicals
