Edwardian Scores Collection
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Date Digitized
May 2020
Published by The Columbian Conservatory of Music in 1911, "An Afternoon in May" represents and excursion or picnic, in variety scenery (measures 9-20) and later another outlook (measures 29-36). After resting and partaking of lunch, the party betakes itself homeward again, and as the bass plainly shows, the spirits of the party are distinctly higher on the trip back (measures 37-44). When almost home, new ideas of pleasant memories suggest themselves (measures 44-50).
Music -- 20th century -- Scores
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The printed scores are located on the Library's 10th Floor, in the Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Recommended Citation
Lichner, Heinrich, "An Afternoon in May: A Story in Tones" (1911). Edwardian Scores Collection. 1.