Publication Date


Audience (faculty and staff, administration, students, general public)

faculty and staff, administration

Document Type



Jacksonville State University needs a simple but functional plan now to identify goals, assign responsibilities and initiate short-term recovery operations related to the cessation of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The primary focus of the University’s recovery should be to get us back to a new normal by July 6th, 2020. The members of the Reopening Committee believe that there are three pillars to recovery operations. They are as follows: Information sharing to enable our campus community to be better informed and responsible individuals; organizational readiness through comprehensive preparedness and mitigation activities; and, a reasonable testing capacity for COVID-19 to identify the problem on our campus as we reoccupy the campus for fall semester. A detailed description of the short-term recovery we envision is presented in this paper. Our hope is that this Concept Paper serves as a primer for the work that must be done to prepare the campus for its new normal.


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