Announcements, Bulletins & Catalogs | Undergraduate
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Vol. 24, No. 91 (December 1929). In its early years as the State Normal School, JSU produced a variety of publications (announcements, bulletins, and catalogs) that contain course information combined with the types of information that would later be found in yearbooks. Examples include historical information about the school, lists of enrolled students and club officers, photographs of athletic teams and literary clubs, notes on alumni, faculty and campus facilities, and more. This issue includes C.W. Daugette's Alabama Education Association President's Address delivered March 21, 1929 in Birmingham. It also includes "constructive work of the Alabama Education Association as related to secondary education" by C.W. Daugette.
Date Digitized
July 2021
Jacksonville State Teachers College
Jacksonville, Ala.
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The original materials are housed in the Library's Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Recommended Citation
Jacksonville State University, "Quarterly Bulletin | December 1929" (1929). Announcements, Bulletins & Catalogs | Undergraduate. 87.