Creation Date
Alabama -- History, Postcards, Exhibitions

Photo circa 1960s (in 1961 the Civil War Centennial Center was built to commemorate the Civil War). A color photo postcard featuring the Major John Pelham Exhibit consisting of a full-sized diorama of a gun crew at work during battle on exhibit at the Civil War Center in Richmond, VA. Printed on the back of the postcard is, "THE MAJOR JOHN PELHAM EXHIBIT IN THE CIVIL WAR CENTER, RICHMOND, VA. Depicted here is an exhibit showing Major Pelham and one of his Gun Crews loading a Napoleon Gun. Pelham served with both Stonewall Jackson and Jeb Stuart, and was renowned for his ability to move his battery quickly from one position to another during a battle.”
Date Digitized
April 2022
Is Part Of
Access to the original image for digitization was generously provided by Jacksonville Public Library, which holds the physical materials for the John Pelham Historical Association. JSU has been granted the non-exclusive right to use these images for any non-commercial, institutional, research, or teaching purpose. All other uses require permission from the rightsholder (John Pelham Historical Association).
The original item is housed with the Jacksonville Public Library.
Technical Metadata
Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 800 dpi. The file name is jpl_pelham_034; file size is 35.3 MB. Original image is 3.5 by 5.5 and held in a 5.25 by 7.25 sleeve