"Jacksonville State Normal School Sophomore Class, circa 1914" by unknown

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Jacksonville State University -- History, State Normal School (Jacksonville Ala.) -- History, State Normal School (Jacksonville Ala.) -- Students, College students -- Alabama


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Members of the Jacksonville State Normal School Sophomore Class are shown outside Hames Hall. Members of the 1913-1914 sophomore class were Nannie Agee, Percy O. Barnes, Marvin O. Baxter, Walter Bell, Alfred M. Boone, Clyde Brittain, William K. Brogdon, W. Raymond Brown, Mary Irene Carpenter, J. Berlie Cash, W.C. Causey, Johnnie R. Clements, Elmer Briggs Collins, William Roy Cosper, Homer Johnson Creel, John Paul Creel, Martha Dean Crow, Margaret Crow, Helen Crow, Liston Crow, Roy Grady Davidson, Louise Douthit, H.W. Dunson, Mrs. Allen Franklin, A.D. Fristoe, Henry W. Galloway, Raymond E. Gilmer, Perry Anderson Gwinn, Virgel Hallman, Emrys Hamilton, Sadie Hamilton, E.L. Hargrave, Barbara Harris, Edith Harris, Bertha Hayes, Robinson Hicks, William Humphreys, Mattie Ethel Kennedy, Annie Mae Kilgore, James Stuart Lauderdale, Annie Lee Lunceford, Lumus Mathews, Zella Mae Milan, Felix Mills, Oliver Berry Moon, Eunice Carolyn Morris, Pearl McCall, W.J. B. McCollough, Jos. M. McKinney, Melvin Howard Nelms, Elsie Olena Nixon, May Belle Nunnelly, Rena Mae Nunnelly, Roberta Nunnelly, Julia Irene Orr, Percy Newton Plylar, Margaret Porter, Elbert Hamilton Posey, Samuel Prescott, James R. Price, John C. Roberts, Scottie Robertson, Bertha Ryan, Robert Finch Samuels, Susie Sargent, Mrs. Alvie Sayers, Charles A. Scrivner, Thomas A. Simpson, Maude Smith, Medders Stacy, Mamie Belle Stewart, Mary Bowling Stewart, Commodore P. Stone, Atticus H. Thomas, Samuel A. Thornton, Frances Vaughan, Chester C. Van Osdol, Sidney Monroe Watson, Lois Weaver, Clyde H. West, Shaffer Young. Not all listed are shown. (circa April 1914)

Date Digitized


Names of Persons Pictured

Nannie Agee, Percy O. Barnes, Marvin O. Baxter, Walter Bell, Alfred M. Boone, Clyde Brittain, William K. Brogdon, W. Raymond Brown, Mary Irene Carpenter, J. Berlie Cash, W.C. Causey, Johnnie R. Clements, Elmer Briggs Collins, William Roy Cosper, Homer Johnson Creel, John Paul Creel, Martha Dean Crow, Margaret Crow, Helen Crow, Liston Crow, Roy Grady Davidson, Louise Douthit, H.W. Dunson, Mrs. Allen Franklin, A.D. Fristoe, Henry W. Galloway, Raymond E. Gilmer, Perry Anderson Gwinn, Virgel Hallman, Emrys Hamilton, Sadie Hamilton, E.L. Hargrave, Barbara Harris, Edith Harris, Bertha Hayes, Robinson Hicks, William Humphreys, Mattie Ethel Kennedy, Annie Mae Kilgore, James Stuart Lauderdale, Annie Lee Lunceford, Lumus Mathews, Zella Mae Milan, Felix Mills, Oliver Berry Moon, Eunice Carolyn Morris, Pearl McCall, W.J. B. McCollough, Jos. M. McKinney, Melvin Howard Nelms, Elsie Olena Nixon, May Belle Nunnelly, Rena Mae Nunnelly, Roberta Nunnelly, Julia Irene Orr, Percy Newton Plylar, Margaret Porter, Elbert Hamilton Posey, Samuel Prescott, James R. Price, John C. Roberts, Scottie Robertson, Bertha Ryan, Robert Finch Samuels, Susie Sargent, Mrs. Alvie Sayers, Charles A. Scrivner, Thomas A. Simpson, Maude Smith, Medders Stacy, Mamie Belle Stewart, Mary Bowling Stewart, Commodore P. Stone, Atticus H. Thomas, Samuel A. Thornton, Frances Vaughan, Chester C. Van Osdol, Sidney Monroe Watson, Lois Weaver, Clyde H. West, Shaffer Young


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The original printed photograph is contained within the Jacksonville State Purple and White collection housed in the Houston Cole Library Alabama Gallery.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is 1914_04_purplewhite_0026.tif; file size is 7.6 MB.


Jacksonville State University -- History, State Normal School (Jacksonville Ala.) -- History, State Normal School (Jacksonville Ala.) -- Students, College students -- Alabama

