"Group of 2005-2006 International House Program Students In Front of In" by unknown

Creation Date







Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Foreign Students -- Education (Higher), Jacksonville State University. International House.


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A group of International House Program students stand gathered in front of the International House at Jacksonville State University in 2005-2006. The International House Program students for 2006-2007 were Iliana Aguilera, Catalina Alupii, Amani Al-Zoubi, Andres Amores, Marcia Barnes, Tommaso Basini, Veselin Vesko Bozadzhiev, Jorge Miguel Brambilla, Robert Rence Cochran III, Desiree Garcia, Graciela Garcia, Ginny Humber, Jamal Jacquinn Jenkins, Ilija Kalajdzic, Franck Kamangu, Zorka Kujovic, Salwa Lahlou, Skyler Lauderdale, Chimezie Charles Maduka, Amanda Malone, Gabrielle Marangakis, Nina Mbiye, Amadou Mbodji, Charles McCoy, Soraya Molina, Margaret Myers, Vanessa Shea Nelson, Ernesto Noguera, Gonzalo Olmedo, Mariajose Ortiz, Thomas Raufer, Paola Rivera, Omar Saad, Ester Sala-Carral, Ashley Simmons, Joe Wood, Alberto Yaluk, Marek Zareba, Milic Zecevic.

Date Digitized

April 2021

Names of Persons Pictured

Iliana Aguilera, Catalina Alupii, Amani Al-Zoubi, Andres Amores, Marcia Barnes, Tommaso Basini, Veselin Bozadzhiev, Vesko Bozadzhiev [sic], Jorge Miguel Brambilla, Robert Rence Cochran III, Desiree Garcia, Graciela Garcia, Ginny Humber, Jamal Jacquinn Jenkins, Ilija Kalajdzic, Franck Kamangu, Zorka Kujovic, Salwa Lahlou, Skyler Lauderdale, Chimezie Charles Maduka, Amanda Malone, Gabrielle Marangakis, Nina Mbiye, Amadou Mbodji, Charles McCoy, Soraya Molina, Margaret Myers, Vanessa Shea Nelson, Ernesto Noguera, Gonzalo Olmedo, Mariajose Ortiz, Thomas Raufer, Paola Rivera, Omar Saad, Ester Sala-Carral, Ashley Simmons, Joe Wood, Alberto Yaluk, Marek Zareba, Milic Zecevic


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The original printed photograph is housed in the Houston Cole Library Alabama Gallery.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is IHphoto_172.tif; file size is 21.6 MB. Original image is 7.5 by 11 on printer paper.


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Foreign Students -- Education (Higher), Jacksonville State University. International House.

