Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State College -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State College -- Students, United States. Civil Air Patrol

The Jacksonville Squadron of Civil Air Patrol are shown outside Bibb Graves Hall. Shown, first row, are Lt. Sam Jones, Edwin Corbin, WO James Jordan, Bil Woodson, Franklin Kellett, Arlie Gunter, Robert Emerson, Jerome Couch, James Bishop, John Ford, Glenn Thompson, Wayne Freeman, second row, Lynn Comer, Murrel Nance, Buddy Ponder, Sgt. Larry Meadows, Lena Murray, Joan Pearce, Phylis Murray, Carl Gibson, Mary Ann Smith, Bobby Traylor, Benjamin Nodal, Wm. White, third row, Billy Clark, John Bryant, Sgt. Wayne Browning, Aubrey Tommie, Jimmie Trantham, Roscoe, fourth row, Captain Dudley Hunt, Major Lucille Branscomb.
Date Digitized
March 2016
Names of Persons Pictured
Sam Jones, Edwin Corbin, James Jordan, Bil Woodson, Franklin Kellett, Arlie Gunter, Robert Emerson, Jerome Couch, James Bishop, John Ford, Glenn Thompson, Wayne Freeman, Lynn Comer, Murrel Nance, Buddy Ponder, Larry Meadows, Lena Murray, Joan Pearce, Phylis Murray, Carl Gibson, Mary Ann Smith, Bobby Traylor, Benjamin Nodal, William White, Billy Clark, John Bryant, Wayne Browning, Aubrey Tommie, Jimmie Trantham, Roscoe, Dudley Hunt, Lucille Branscomb.
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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 8, Sleeve 24.
Technical Metadata
Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1950civialairpatrol_01815.tif; file size is 1.4 MB. Original image is 4 by 5 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State College -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State College -- Students, United States. Civil Air Patrol