"1973-1974 Kappa Sigma 2" by Opal R. Lovett

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Opal R. Lovett


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies


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These students were members of the fraternity Kappa Sigma at Jacksonville State University in 1973-1974. Members were Gary Bryant, Jerry Carrol, Blane Clayton, Clarence Daugete, Steve Dempsey, Tom Finley, Don Hall, David Hodge, Mike Holman, Eddie Howard, Mike Howell, Randy Hurst, Randy Hydrick, Ed Logan, David Osborn, Gene Rhodes, Wayne Roberson, Mike Sanders, Terry Sudduth, Pat Trussell, Ferrell Vest, John Vines, DeWayne Wells, Wesley Whitten, Fran Williams, Mickey Williams, Dale Wilson, Steve Worthy, Mike Scruggs, Danny Lee, Jim Akins, Dick L'Eplattenier, Sandy Deibler. Pledges were Benjie Baird, Tony Baird, Mike Beshears, Bill Borchard, Gary Bracknell, Don Bradford, Mike Brown, Tim Childers, Kirk Cornelius, David Hamilton, Darrel Hardin, Danny Hicks, Tim Hightower, Randy Masters, Stanley McClellan, John Mazzone, Keith Mitchell, Lewis Morris, John Pat Orr, Alan Pearson, Mike Phipps, Tony Plunkett, Mike Price, Bill Russell, Steve Siskey, David Slocumb, Johnny Tanner, A. G. Tapscott, Wayne Turnipseed, Cary Ward, Robert Warren, Tim Watts, Bob White. Little Sisters were Vickie Heizer, Cecilia Lett, Gwen Law, Kay Abernathy, Susan Bell, Liz Brindley, Rita Cabassa, Lynn Campbell, Judy Chapman, Debbie Coffey, Jan Compton, Doni Costobile, Becky Cook, Nancie Ellis, Beverly Franz, Janie Harris, Pam Holmes, Pasty Houston, Vickie Howell, Cathy Jackson, Lynda Latham, Donna Linn, Marguet Lloyd, Tanya Love, Diane Mayes, Connie Morrow, Nancy Mullinax, Joy Mullins, Leta Naff, Joann Nelson, Joe Norwood, Bridget Oakes, Cheryl Osborn, Deadra Poland, Donna Silbers, Nancy Shouse, Charlotte Sims, Dawn Stone, Jennie Sudduth, Marilyn Vilece, Linda Jane Vines, Pat White, Janet Wickersham, Kaye Williams, Lesa Williams, Janye Woods, Kathy Zito, Lynn Weekly.

Date Digitized

October 2018

Names of Persons Pictured

Gary Bryant, Jerry Carrol, Blane Clayton, Clarence Daugete, Steve Dempsey, Tom Finley, Don Hall, David Hodge, Mike Holman, Eddie Howard, Mike Howell, Randy Hurst, Randy Hydrick, Ed Logan, David Osborn, Gene Rhodes, Wayne Roberson, Mike Sanders, Terry Sudduth, Pat Trussell, Ferrell Vest, John Vines, DeWayne Wells, Wesley Whitten, Fran Williams, Mickey Williams, Dale Wilson, Steve Worthy, Mike Scruggs, Danny Lee, Jim Akins, Dick L'Eplattenier, Sandy Deibler, Benjie Baird, Tony Baird, Mike Beshears, Bill Borchard, Gary Bracknell, Don Bradford, Mike Brown, Tim Childers, Kirk Cornelius, David Hamilton, Darrel Hardin, Danny Hicks, Tim Hightower, Randy Masters, Stanley McClellan, John Mazzone, Keith Mitchell, Lewis Morris, John Pat Orr, Alan Pearson, Mike Phipps, Tony Plunkett, Mike Price, Bill Russell, Steve Siskey, David Slocumb, Johnny Tanner, A. G. Tapscott, Wayne Turnipseed, Cary Ward, Robert Warren, Tim Watts, Bob White, Vickie Heizer, Cecilia Lett, Gwen Law, Kay Abernathy, Susan Bell, Liz Brindley, Rita Cabassa, Lynn Campbell, Judy Chapman, Debbie Coffey, Jan Compton, Doni Costobile, Becky Cook, Nancie Ellis, Beverly Franz, Janie Harris, Pam Holmes, Pasty Houston, Vickie Howell, Cathy Jackson, Lynda Latham, Donna Linn, Marguet Lloyd, Tanya Love, Diane Mayes, Connie Morrow, Nancy Mullinax, Joy Mullins, Leta Naff, Joann Nelson, Joe Norwood, Bridget Oakes, Cheryl Osborn, Deadra Poland, Donna Silbers, Nancy Shouse, Charlotte Sims, Dawn Stone, Jennie Sudduth, Marilyn Vilece, Linda Jane Vines, Pat White, Janet Wickersham, Kaye Williams, Lesa Williams, Janye Woods, Kathy Zito, Lynn Weekly


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Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is , file size is 406 KB. Original image is 2 by 2 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies

