"1972-1973 Alpha Xi Delta 2" by Opal R. Lovett

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Opal R. Lovett


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies


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Alpha Xi Delta was the first women's sorority on the campus of Jacksonville State University. It colonized November 1967 and chartered March 1968. Shown are the 1972-1973 members of the greek organization outside standing on a bridge. Members were Cheri Atkinson, Vickie Boutwell (Corresponding Secretary), Kathy Bridges, Rhoda Crisler (Treasurer), Angie Duncan, Anne Effinger, Cathy Hamilton, Janis Harris, Pam Holmes (President), Mona Howard, Susan Kelley, Tish Morgan, Jane Newbanks, Gretchen Noffsinger, Teresa Rhinehart (Recording Secretary), Connie Saunders, Sara Seaborn, Nancy Shouse, Claudette Smith, Bonita Stewart, Myra Thomas (Vice President), Lynn Weekly, Jane Ann Weldon (Corresponding Secretary), Jane Ann Whittington, Bonnie Williams, Mary Margaret Ziak, Nancy Aycock, Beth Brown, Carolyn Brown, Deca Bryant, Deb Burns, Debbie Caldwell, Barbara Cascio, Celeste Causey, Beverly Eley, Paula Entrekin, Patti Freeman, Rhonda Gillespie, Marcia Handley, Lisa Harris, Kay Jones, Jane Ledbetter, Malissa Moore, Connie Morrow, Mary Murray, Vivian Newsome, Debbie Riley, Debbie Runyan, Kay Williams, Pam Williams.

Date Digitized

August 2018

Names of Persons Pictured

Cheri Atkinson, Vickie Boutwell, Kathy Bridges, Rhoda Crisler, Angie Duncan, Anne Effinger, Cathy Hamilton, Janis Harris, Pam Holmes, Mona Howard, Susan Kelley, Tish Morgan, Jane Newbanks, Gretchen Noffsinger, Teresa Rhinehart, Connie Saunders, Sara Seaborn, Nancy Shouse, Claudette Smith, Bonita Stewart, Myra Thomas, Lynn Weekly, Jane Ann Weldon, Jane Ann Whittington, Bonnie Williams, Mary Margaret Ziak, Nancy Aycock, Beth Brown, Carolyn Brown, Deca Bryant, Deb Burns, Debbie Caldwell, Barbara Cascio, Celeste Causey, Beverly Eley, Paula Entrekin, Patti Freeman, Rhonda Gillespie, Marcia Handley, Lisa Harris, Kay Jones, Jane Ledbetter, Malissa Moore, Connie Morrow, Mary Murray, Vivian Newsome, Debbie Riley, Debbie Runyan, Kay Williams, Pam Williams


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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 80, Sleeve 31.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1970alphaxidelta_08409.tif; file size is 406 KB. Original image is 2 by 2 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies

