"1972-1973 Alpha Tau Omega 3" by Opal R. Lovett

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Opal R. Lovett


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies


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Alpha Tau Omega was founded at Jacksonville State University in March 1969. Shown 1972-1973 members and little sisters of the greek organization gather outside near the First National Bank in Jacksonville, AL. Members were Jerry Starnes, Bob Green, Bill Lynch, Mike Whisonant, Tom Roberson, Lee Thompson, Steve Harrison, David Kendrick, Doug Holmes, Larry McDow, Mike Canada, Bill Linscott, Lester Willson, David Bibb, Charlie Mangieri, Tom Eames, Robert Snead, Keith Absher, Tim Conrad, Bruce Henderson, Wyatt Jones, Mac Payne, Charles Kicker, Stanley Traylor, Craig Glasgow, Len Black, Rick Totten, Rick Foster, Clarence Crump, Joe Clifton, Joe Bailey, Bill Adams, Joe Caiola, Anthony Romano, Eddie Copeland, Steven Taylor, Randy Mosley, Gary Giedinghagen, John Wilks, David Buttram, Barry Starr, Chris Hooten, Tyger Shields, Ben Jones, Randy Dobsen, Steve Bridges, Pete Yates, David Miles, Jack Nunnaly, Don Ivey, Richard Mastraioni, Gene Pigg, Randy Harris, Steve Vincent, Marshall Clay, Pete Holley, Harold Calloway, Teri Stowe, William Stanely. Little Sisters were Ann Scalici, Patti Jameison, Remona Sharp, Debbie Maynard, Mary Jane Snider, Carol Livingston, Betty Cornelius, Trisha Hallmark, Debra Hannah, Gwen Adair, Lisa Hubbard, Sherry Blackerby, Bethann Sadler, Karen Collingsworth, Penny Hill, Terry Locke, Angie Troncale, Debi Smith, Denise Hubbard, Carmen James, Jackie Atchinson, Sharon Musick, Belinda Moree, Kathy Hamilton, Amy Lewis, Alicia Benefield, Kathy Camp, Nedra Hunt, Becky Luker.

Date Digitized

August 2018

Names of Persons Pictured

Jerry Starnes, Bob Green, Bill Lynch, Mike Whisonant, Tom Roberson, Lee Thompson, Steve Harrison, David Kendrick, Doug Holmes, Larry McDow, Mike Canada, Bill Linscott, Lester Willson, David Bibb, Charlie Mangieri, Tom Eames, Robert Snead, Keith Absher, Tim Conrad, Bruce Henderson, Wyatt Jones, Mac Payne, Charles Kicker, Stanley Traylor, Craig Glasgow, Len Black, Rick Totten, Rick Foster, Clarence Crump, Joe Clifton, Joe Bailey, Bill Adams, Joe Caiola, Anthony Romano, Eddie Copeland, Steven Taylor, Randy Mosley, Gary Giedinghagen, John Wilks, David Buttram, Barry Starr, Chris Hooten, Tyger Shields, Ben Jones, Randy Dobsen, Steve Bridges, Pete Yates, David Miles, Jack Nunnaly, Don Ivey, Richard Mastraioni, Gene Pigg, Randy Harris, Steve Vincent, Marshall Clay, Pete Holley, Harold Calloway, Teri Stowe, William Stanely, Ann Scalici, Patti Jameison, Remona Sharp, Debbie Maynard, Mary Jane Snider, Carol Livingston, Betty Cornelius, Trisha Hallmark, Debra Hannah, Gwen Adair, Lisa Hubbard, Sherry Blackerby, Bethann Sadler, Karen Collingsworth, Penny Hill, Terry Locke, Angie Troncale, Debi Smith, Denise Hubbard, Carmen James, Jackie Atchinson, Sharon Musick, Belinda Moree, Kathy Hamilton, Amy Lewis, Alicia Benefield, Kathy Camp, Nedra Hunt, Becky Luker


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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 80, Sleeve 31.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1970alphatauomega_08407.tif; file size is 406 KB. Original image is 2 by 2 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Greek letter societies

