"The Marching Southerners, 1978-1979 Clarinets 2" by Opal R. Lovett

Creation Date





Opal R. Lovett


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University. Marching Southerners


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Members of Jacksonville State College Marching Southerners clarinet 1978-1979 section are shown in uniform outside Merrill Hall. Clarinet members included Mike Clark and Bruce Curlette (section leaders), Beverly Skidmore, Audrey Childress, Linda Hamilton, Connie Boyd, Cherie Burton, Marle Vann, Mark Craddock, Donna Pitts, Gwen Hester, Pam Barnett, Teresa Casey, Charmaine Smith, Debbie Nesbitt, Cindy Dooley, Rosie Denard, Tammy Gamble, Carol Barnes, Cynthia Staten, Randy Paul, Craig Seitz, Glenda Cearly, Annette McNutt, Jimmy Hixon, Donna Kealey.

Date Digitized

February 2018

Names of Persons Pictured

Mike Clark, Bruce Curlette, Beverly Skidmore, Audrey Childress, Linda Hamilton, Connie Boyd, Cherie Burton, Marle Vann, Mark Craddock, Donna Pitts, Gwen Hester, Pam Barnett, Teresa Casey, Charmaine Smith, Debbie Nesbitt, Cindy Dooley, Rosie Denard, Tammy Gamble, Carol Barnes, Cynthia Staten, Randy Paul, Craig Seitz, Glenda Cearly, Annette McNutt, Jimmy Hixon, Donna Kealey


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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 73, Sleeve 59.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1970southerners_00728.tif; file size is 416 KB. Original image is 2 by 2 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University. Marching Southerners

