"1975-1976 Marching Ballerinas 1" by Opal R. Lovett

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Opal R. Lovett


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University. Marching Southerners


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The Marching Ballerinas are a unit within The Marching Southerners at Jacksonville State University. Shown the 1975-1976 Marching Ballerinas stand on the steps of a campus building dressed in uniform. From left are, first row, Pam Young, Jerri Harbin, Danna Hadden, Jamie Roebuck (group leader), Anne Wooten, Paula Entrekin, Gale Nunnelley, Susan Carroll, Carol Roebuck, Donna Ramey, second row, Tina Tidmore, Lisa Reagan, Lynne Wilson, Jenny Hawkins, Janna Humphries, Angie Powers, Susan Gordon, Kathy Fricks, Terri Robertson, Sheryl Davis (group leader), third row, Vicki Ashley, Iris Boone, Beverly Vise, Pam Prince, Gayle Mitchell, Kathy Lee, Rosemary Smith, Lyndy Hewitt, Lisa Willis (head ballerina), fourth row, Teresa Smith, Bobbi Kemp, Joyce Morgan, Laura Dickard, Jan Willis (group leader), Jan Hale, Denise Moore, Pam Hill, Myra Deerman, Helen Kay Neutze (feature twirler).

Date Digitized

January 2018

Names of Persons Pictured

Pam Young, Jerri Harbin, Danna Hadden, Jamie Roebuck, Anne Wooten, Paula Entrekin, Gale Nunnelley, Susan Carroll, Carol Roebuck, Donna Ramey, Tina Tidmore, Lisa Reagan, Lynne Wilson, Jenny Hawkins, Janna Humphries, Angie Powers, Susan Gordon, Kathy Fricks, Terri Robertson, Sheryl Davis, third row, Vicki Ashley, Iris Boone, Beverly Vise, Pam Prince, Gayle Mitchell, Kathy Lee, Rosemary Smith, Lyndy Hewitt, Lisa Willis, Teresa Smith, Bobbi Kemp, Joyce Morgan, Laura Dickard, Jan Willis, Jan Hale, Denise Moore, Pam Hill, Myra Deerman, Helen Kay Neutze




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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 73, Sleeve 32.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1970southerners_00403.tif; file size is 416 KB. Original image is 2 by 2 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University. Marching Southerners

