Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, Jacksonville State University. A Cappella Choir

Under the direction of Bayne Dobbins the A Cappella Choir was a large ensemble choir at Jacksonville State College (now Jacksonville State University). Shown are the 1964-1965 members inside the Mason Hall performance center. Alto II were Cary David, Peggy Entrekin, Dorothy Sanders, Sandra Stephens, Becky Hess, Jan Taylor, Sharon Lindsey. Soprano II were Sandra Burt, Susie Francis, Brenda Stott, Anne Ziglar, Carol Headrick, Kaye Walker. Alto I were Virginia White, Janet Davis, Wanda Self, Jane Brooks, Pat Colvin, Mary Alice Abernathy. Soprano I were Gail Maze, Martha Yancey, Betty Dobbins, Janice Bell, Rose Golden, Cathi Woodham, Phyllis Williams. Bass I were James McCarty, Wayne Bowen, Sonny Golden, Sid Garwood, Jimmy Roberts, Smith Cummings. Tenor II were Grant Parris, Roger Beshears, Jeffa Hill, Bubba Eldridge, Johnny Kilgore, Gordon Boughton. Bass II were Jimmy Cochran, Bill Barker, Gene Love, Jimmy Houston, Jim Weaver, Freddie Pollard. Tenor I were Jim McKay, Lamar Harris, Carlos Perkins, David Talmage, Jerry Tow, Joe Childs, Ronald Higgins. (1964-1965)
Date Digitized
December 2015
Names of Persons Pictured
Cary David, Peggy Entrekin, Dorothy Sanders, Sandra Stephens, Becky Hess, Jan Taylor, Sharon Lindsey, Sandra Burt, Susie Francis, Brenda Stott, Anne Ziglar, Carol Headrick, Kaye Walker, Virginia White, Janet Davis, Wanda Self, Jane Brooks, Pat Colvin, Mary Alice Abernathy, Gail Maze, Martha Yancey, Betty Dobbins, Janice Bell, Rose Golden, Cathi Woodham, Phyllis Williams, James McCarty, Wayne Bowen, Sonny Golden, Sid Garwood, Jimmy Roberts, Smith Cummings, Grant Parris, Roger Beshears, Jeffa Hill, Bubba Eldridge, Johnny Kilgore, Gordon Boughton, Jimmy Cochran, Bill Barker, Gene Love, Jimmy Houston, Jim Weaver, Freddie Pollard, Jim McKay, Lamar Harris, Carlos Perkins, David Talmage, Jerry Tow, Joe Childs, Ronald Higgins
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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 36, Sleeve 26.
Technical Metadata
Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1960acappellachoir_20718.tif; file size is 1.4 MB. Original image is 4 by 5 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, Jacksonville State University. A Cappella Choir