"Football Coaches and Players Gather Admiring 1949 Paper Bowl Trophy" by unknown

Creation Date







Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Faculty, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Employees, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Football, Football coaches -- Alabama, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Students, Football players -- Alabama, Trophies


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Part of Jacksonville State Teachers College's 1949 football team are shown gathered around their coaches to admire the second Paper Bowl trophy attained in two years. Shown in the first row are C.C. Dillon (backfield coach), Ray Wedgeworth (line coach), Paul Adams (captain), Don Salls (head coach), Tom Roberson (assistant coach). Shown in the second row are James Gilliland, Howard Warlick (trainer), Ken Smith, Earl Roberts, Hugh O'Shields, Tony Daniels, William Clark, Rex Cassidy. Shown in the third row are Whit Wyatt, Pat Robinson, "Pidy" McDaniel, John Meadows, J.P. Cain, John Smith, Ben Pillitary, Jim Collins, and Hubert Brugge. (circa December 21, 1949)

Date Digitized

September 2017

Names of Persons Pictured

C.C. Dillon, Ray Wedgeworth, Paul Adams, Don Salls, Tom Roberson, James Gilliland, Howard Warlick, Ken Smith, Earl Roberts, Hugh O'Shields, Tony Daniels, William Clark, Rex Cassidy, Whit Wyatt, Pat Robinson, Pidy McDaniel, John Meadows, J.P. Cain, John Smith, Ben Pillitary, Jim Collins, Hubert Brugge


This image is the property of Jacksonville State University and is intended for non-commercial use. Images may be copied for research, teaching, personal, or any fair use as defined by U.S. copyright law. Images may not be altered in any way. Users of these images are asked to acknowledge Jacksonville State University. For questions or further information about usage rights, please contact digitalcommons@jsu.edu.


The original printed photograph is housed in the Houston Cole Library Alabama Gallery, Box 3, Item 673.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSP1940paperbowl_00673.tif; file size is 20.8 MB. Original image is 8 by 10 on glossy photographic paper


Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Faculty, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Employees, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Football, Football coaches -- Alabama, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Students, Football players -- Alabama, Trophies

