Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, Jacksonville State University. A Cappella Choir

Under the direction of Thomas Warren the A Cappella Choir was a large ensemble choir at Jacksonville State College (now Jacksonville State University) in the 1960s. Shown the 1962-1963 group is dressed in formal attire standing outside the Music Department building. Sopranos were Diana Chu, Carolyn Curry, Susie Francis, Judye Jones, Nancy Mackey, Sandra Parrish, Kate Roberts, Margaret Stanton, Pat Tudor, Linda Walker, Martha Yancey, and Patsy Bryant. Altos were Charlotte Bryson, Carla Choate, Fannie Lee Fuller, Vicki Hallman, Mary Sue Holley, Margaret Jo Holt, Judith King, June Kirkland, Sherrye Pickrell, Dorothy Sanders, Janet Taylor, Kathy Ward, Virginia White, and Anne Ziglar. Tenors were Thomas Camp, Gerald Cofer, James Couch, James Eldridge, Doyle Grizzell, Ronald Hyche, Terry Matthews, Melvin Morgan, James Pittman, Edward Rush, Franz Schneider, and John Thomas. Basses were William Barker, Wain Bates, William Burrell, Tim Camp, John Carruth, George Collins, Phillip Hart, Lavon Lang, Gene Love, James McNeese, Grant Paris, Thomas Powell, James Roberts, Terry Segers, and Robert Ward. (circa 1964)
Date Digitized
July 2015
Names of Persons Pictured
Thomas Warren, Diana Chu, Carolyn Curry, Susie Francis, Judye Jones, Nancy Mackey, Sandra Parrish, Kate Roberts, Margaret Stanton, Pat Tudor, Linda Walker, Martha Yancey, Patsy Bryant, Charlotte Bryson, Carla Choate, Fannie Lee Fuller, Vicki Hallman, Mary Sue Holley, Margaret Jo Holt, Judith King, June Kirkland, Sherrye Pickrell, Dorothy Sanders, Janet Taylor, Kathy Ward, Virginia White, Anne Ziglar, Thomas Camp, Gerald Cofer, James Couch, James Eldridge, Doyle Grizzell, Ronald Hyche, Terry Matthews, Melvin Morgan, James Pittman, Edward Rush, Franz Schneider, John Thomas, William Barker, Wain Bates, William Burrell, Tim Camp, John Carruth, George Collins, Phillip Hart, Lavon Lang, Gene Love, James McNeese, Grant Paris, Thomas Powell, James Roberts, Terry Segers, Robert Ward
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Technical Metadata
Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1960acappellachoir_15256.tif; file size is 1.4 MB. Original image is 4 by 5 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, Jacksonville State University. A Cappella Choir