"Band, 1954-1955 ROTC" by Opal R. Lovett

Creation Date





Opal R. Lovett


Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State College -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State College -- Students, United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps.


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Shown members of the Jacksonville State College ROTC band stand outside in uniform with instruments on the field inside the stadium. Band leader was Master Sgt. Guy Bigham. Band members were George Broom, Hugh Epley, James Harrell, Marlin Hawkins, James McDonald, Jimmy Rayburn, Deleath Ribes, Dewitt Self, Jimmy Busby, John Denman, Howard Entrekin, Kenneth Howle, Charles Howell, Allen Mason, Wilbur Phillips, Lynn Shelton, Jerry Smith, Weldon Smitherman, Gus Unger, Wayne Washam, Harrell Whitehead.

Date Digitized

January 2016

Names of Persons Pictured

Guy Bigham, George Broom, Hugh Epley, James Harrell, Marlin Hawkins, James McDonald, Jimmy Rayburn, Deleath Ribes, Dewitt Self, Jimmy Busby, John Denman, Howard Entrekin, Kenneth Howle, Charles Howell, Allen Mason, Wilbur Phillips, Lynn Shelton, Jerry Smith, Weldon Smitherman, Gus Unger, Wayne Washam, Harrell Whitehead


This image is the property of Jacksonville State University and is intended for non-commercial use. Images may be copied for research, teaching, personal, or any fair use as defined by U.S. copyright law. Images may not be altered in any way. Users of these images are asked to acknowledge Jacksonville State University. For questions or further information about usage rights, please contact digitalcommons@jsu.edu.


The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 2, Sleeve 54.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1950rotc_00177.tif; file size is 1.4 MB. Original image is 4 by 5 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock


Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State College -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State College -- Students, United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps.

