"Who's Who, 1967 Awards Day" by Opal R. Lovett

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Opal R. Lovett


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students


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Awards Day was held in the Leone Cole Auditorium of Jacksonville State University on May 3, 1967. Students were honored for character, intellectual attainment, and leadership. Shown are the Who's Who recipients. Honored were Glenda Cain, Tom Cannon, Mark Clayton, William Cline, Sharon Crisler, Terry Fain, Sallie Gail Graben, Taylor Hardy, James Allen Houston, Sandra Ivey, Kenneth Kifer, Barbara Ann King, Philip McMahan, William Mills, Tommy Monroe, Hugh Naftel, Alice Walker, John Patterson, Robert Smith, Delores Smoake, Lane Warren, Judy West, Elizabeth White, and Randall Wolfe.

Date Digitized

September 2014

Names of Persons Pictured

Glenda Cain, Tom Cannon, Mark Clayton, William Cline, Sharon Crisler, Terry Fain, Sallie Gail Graben, Taylor Hardy, James Allen Houston, Sandra Ivey, Kenneth Kifer, Barbara Ann King, Philip McMahan, Phillip McMahan [sic], William Mills, Tommy Monroe, Hugh Naftel, Alice Walker, John Patterson, Robert Smith, Delores Smoake, Lane Warren, Judy West, Elizabeth White, Randall Wolfe


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The original negative is housed at JSU McClellan Technical Information Center, Binder 62, Sleeve 91.



Technical Metadata

Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 300 dpi. The file name is PSN1960awardsday_7332.tif; file size is 528 KB. Original image is 2 by 3 on celluloid diacetate/triacetate film stock


Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students

