Show Me the ... Bugs! Using Bug Poker as a Taxonomy Learning Tool
Room 208 Self Hall, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Tolley-Jordan presents on her experiences teaching Entomology (study of insects), as a senior/graduate level course in Biology. In this class students submit large, detailed insect collections at the end of the semester. This usually results in last-minute, desperate attempts to find more insects and guess (generally incorrectly) their scientific names. Although gaming for money is illegal in Alabama, there are no laws against gaming for insects. Instead of a final exam, students who need to increase their scores in the class or need more insects for their collections will have to play to win.
Faculty Commons, relational teaching, Biology
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Biology | Educational Methods | Entomology | Higher Education and Teaching
Recommended Citation
Tolley-Jordan, Lori, "Show Me the ... Bugs! Using Bug Poker as a Taxonomy Learning Tool" (2019). 2019 | Faculty Commons Presentations. 26.