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This study examined online courses with collaborative learning components from 197 graduate students across three consecutive academic years. A student attitude survey containing 20 items and a student teamwork satisfaction scale containing 10 items on a 5-point Likert-type scale with three open-ended questions regarding their online collaborating experiences were collected during the final week of each semester. Results revealed that the three extracted online collaboration factors (Team Dynamics, Team Acquaintance, and Instructor Support) from the student attitude survey had moderate to high degrees of correlation with teamwork satisfaction. Results also revealed that the three collaboration factors accounted for 53% of the variance in online teamwork satisfaction. In addition, results from both surveys and open-ended questions revealed students favored working collaboratively in an online environment.

Publication/Presentation Information

Ku, H., Tseng, H. and Akarasriworn, C. (May 2013) "Collaboration Factors, Teamwork Satisfaction, and Student Attitudes toward Online Collaborative Learning." Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3): 922-929. DOI:



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