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The variability in the behavioral equilibrium established by six basic schedules was characterized. The measures were the pause preceding the first response in each interreinforcement interval; the mean rate of responding in each interreinforcement interval; and the relative frequency of each interresponse time. The temporal windows ranged across the 780-session exposure, across a session, and across the interreinforcement intcrval. A display of individual intcrresponse times as a function of time in the interreinforcemcnt interval indicated clear recurrent responding at somewhat less than 3 Hz in every bird, even after extended exposure to a schedule and regardless of the contingency. No strong sequential dependencies in the interresponse-time distributions were identified. A simulator, based on a simple recurrent pulser, was presented that produced output similar to the obtained data. An archival data base of the behavior chronically maintained by the simple schedules was also generated.

Publication/Presentation Information

Palya, W.L. (May 1992). "Dynamics in the Fine Structure of Schedule-Controlled Behavior." Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 57(3): 267-287.



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