
Management & Marketing

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This study examines the link between leader motivating language and follower performance feedback perceptions It also explores whether follower/leader gender compositions moderate this relationship. Results show that a follower’s performance feedback perceptions benefit from a leader’s use of motivating language. This relationship is further positively moderated by the presence of certain follower/leader gender matches and mismatches. The results provide support for a stronger use of motivating language in diverse workforces. This characteristic gives motivating language the potential to support diversity in organizations. Implications of the study’s findings and future avenues for research are discussed. Considering the increasing need for more effective performance reviews, motivating language might be one of the future tools to increase their positive perceptions and ultimate success, especially in a diverse workforce.

Publication/Presentation Information

Studies in Business and Economics, 17(2), 2022, 124-140.

Included in

Leadership Commons



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