Date of Award

Summer 2021

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in Family Nurse Practitioner



Faculty Chair

Dr. Stacy Mikel, DNP


Tom Roberts, PA-C


Adults with type II diabetes mellitus need to understand the disease and manage their chronic condition to live a healthy and comfortable life. This project aimed to educate adults with type II diabetes mellitus in self-management of their chronic illness to increase their health literacy to improve their heart health, kidney health, nutrition, and exercise. The project utilized a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) approach to education for adults with type II diabetes mellitus on the disease process.

METHODS: This project is a quality improvement project focused on educating adults with type II diabetes mellitus in managing their chronic conditions to increase their self-care confidence.

RESULTS: Eighty-six percent of participants showed an increase in confidence in caring for their chronic disease. Fourteen percent of the participants' confidence level remained the same.

CONCLUSION: Educating adults with type II diabetes mellitus can improve their confidence in caring for their chronic disease.

Keywords: Type II Diabetes, Adults, Rural, Self-management education, Health Literacy

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DNP Manuscript Defense Approval

Included in

Nursing Commons



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