Date of Award

Summer 2024

Document Type

DNP Executive Summary

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



Faculty Chair

Dr. Kimberly Helms


Dr. Dale Greene


Background: Postpartum depression is a mental illness that most commonly develops in the first twelve weeks postpartum, known as the “fourth trimester.” Nationally, one in five women suffers from postpartum depression, with 50 percent going undiagnosed and untreated due to fear of stigmatization and lack of consistent screenings among healthcare providers.

Purpose: The evidence-based Doctor of Nursing Practice quality improvement project included screening for postpartum depression between seven to 14 days postpartum to increase the identification of women likely to have postpartum depression before their scheduled postpartum visit over six weeks.

Methods: The project used a quantitative design as the outcome measurement, including the total number of patients screened for postpartum depression using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale with referrals to obstetrical care providers. Cheryl Beck’s theory on postpartum depression, Teetering on the Edge, was used as the organizing framework, and the Plan-Do-Study-Act was used to guide the project plan.

Results: Six of the 63 participants screened were referred to their obstetrical care provider, resulting in a 9.52% positivity rate. At the 0.05 significance level, there was sufficient evidence to show that the proportion of participants provided with a referral was significantly greater than 1% (z = 6.80, p <0.001).

Conclusion: Data revealed that the administration of a postpartum screening tool between seven to 14 days postpartum compared to current practice resulted in increased identification of women likely to have postpartum depression before their scheduled postpartum visit.

Keywords: postpartum depression, screening tools, anxiety, puerperal, telehealth, telemedicine, and the fourth trimester.

Bowlin DNP Poster.pdf (2061 kB)
DNP Project Poster

Bowlin DNP Slide Presentation.pdf (1046 kB)
DNP Slide Presentation

Included in

Nursing Commons



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