Clements Costume Collection
Performed: 9-12 April 2015; Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos' "To Tread Among Serpents" was the winner of the 2014 Southern Playwrights' Competition. The play, loosely based on true events, explores the aftermath of a double murder in Rabbittown, Alabama. A New York reporter, Juanita Cohen, seeks to find out why pig farmer Violet Haight murdered her boyfriend and his brother. The play was directed by Caroline Price. Shown are costume sketches for Violet Haight (Act II, Sc 2; Act II Sc 3a; Act II Sc 3b; Act II Sc 4). This item is contained within the Clements drama production materials.
This performance was held in the Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center Theatre.
- Sadie Bell Freeman -- Violet Haight
Is Part Of
The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College and school drama, Drama -- Study and teaching, Costume design
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Recommended Citation
Freddy Clements, "To Tread Among Serpents (2015) | Costume Sketch 001" (2015). Clements Costume Collection. 414.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College and school drama, Drama -- Study and teaching, Costume design