"The Long-Term Effects of Chronic Static Stretching on Skeletal Muscle," by Kalib Alexander
The Long-Term Effects of Chronic Static Stretching on Skeletal Muscle, Hypertrophy, Strength, and Flexibility in Healthy Individuals

The Long-Term Effects of Chronic Static Stretching on Skeletal Muscle, Hypertrophy, Strength, and Flexibility in Healthy Individuals



Faculty Mentor

Majid Koozehchian, Kinesiology


Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


3:30-4:30 pm | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


Please note: no video is available for this presentation.

Static stretching is widely used to improve joint range of motion, with additional proposed benefits for injury prevention and athletic performance. However, its long-term effects on muscle hypertrophy remains unclear. While static stretching is commonly used to enhance joint range of motion, its long-term impact on muscle hypertrophy remains uncertain. This is because some studies suggest that chronic static stretching may improve muscle strength and power, though its effects on hypertrophy remain unclear. While some studies suggest that long term static stretching may contribute to muscle strength gains, its specific impact on skeletal muscle hypertrophy remains uncertain. Studies on the effects of static stretching on skeletal muscle hypertrophy indicate considerable heterogeneity, making it hard to determine a precise understanding of the impact of static stretching on muscle hypertrophy.

Research indicates that chronic static stretching alone does not significantly contribute to muscle hypertrophy, though prolonged and varied stretching regimens may have modest effects, particularly in trained individuals. Findings suggest that chronic static stretching alone does not significantly contribute to muscle hypertrophy, though varied and prolonged stretching regimens could produce modest gains, particularly in a trained individual. Static stretching may contribute to hypertrophy when performed with diverse techniques or for extended durations. Although there is some evidence that suggest a potential hypertrophic effect, variability among studies makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions. Individuals with greater training experience achieve larger muscle gains than less trained individuals following chronic stretching. Meta regression analyses suggests that a variety of stretches and longer stretching durations are associated with greater skeletal muscle hypertrophy.

The findings suggest that greater exercise variety and extended duration stretching may enhance hypertrophic adaptations, though the overall effect remains modest. Stretching also has a clear positive effect on joint range of motion but gains in joint range of motion is not associated with changes in muscle hypertrophy. Some findings suggest female participants may experience a more defined hypertrophic response to chronic static stretching, though the practical significance remains uncertain.


student research, kinesiology


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The Long-Term Effects of Chronic Static Stretching on Skeletal Muscle, Hypertrophy, Strength, and Flexibility in Healthy Individuals
