"Investigating the Predatory Behavior of the Bumblebee Assassin Snail (" by Kathleen Madden
Investigating the Predatory Behavior of the Bumblebee Assassin Snail (Anentome helena) and the Potential Ecological Implications in Invaded Freshwater Systems

Investigating the Predatory Behavior of the Bumblebee Assassin Snail (Anentome helena) and the Potential Ecological Implications in Invaded Freshwater Systems



Faculty Mentor

Lori Tolley-Jordan, Biology

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Conference Proceeding


4:45-4:55 pm | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


The bumble-bee assassin snail, Anentome helena, native to freshwaters of Malaysia, is one of only a few freshwater species in the marine lineage, Neogastropoda, that includes predatory snails such as whelks and cone snails. This snail is widely available in the aquarium trade, tolerant of a wide range of water temperatures, survives adverse transport conditions, and readily reproduces in captive conditions. To date, no invasive populations are reported, and the invasion threat is not-well understood. While anecdotal evidence from hobby aquarists suggest that these snails are voracious, generalist predators of snails; the importance of prey size, prey type, and behavior of predator and prey is insufficiently examined. Visual analyses of assassin snail predation of operculate snails were restricted to aperture widths of less than 10 mm, regardless of snail species. Feeding trials also showed that assassin snails are generalist molluscivores as they readily consumed Asiatic clams. This is a significant finding, as prior to this study, no reports of assassin snails consuming non-snail taxa are documented. Finally, regardless of prey type, time-lapsed filming showed that assassin snails aggregate when hunting, although the association among snails (positive or negative) is unknown. Further research describing assassin snail life-history, environmental constraints, and feeding niche breadth are needed to determine potential injurious impacts on invaded systems.


student research, biology


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Investigating the Predatory Behavior of the Bumblebee Assassin Snail (Anentome helena) and the Potential Ecological Implications in Invaded Freshwater Systems
