Unveiling Curcumin's Role in Enhancing Athletic Performance and Recovery

Unveiling Curcumin's Role in Enhancing Athletic Performance and Recovery



Faculty Mentor

Majid Koozehchian, Kinesiology; Gina Mabrey, Kinesiology


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Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


2:45-2:55pm | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


This comprehensive review meticulously explores the role of curcumin, a polyphenolic compound predominantly found in turmeric, in enhancing sports performance and physical activity. Recognized for its medicinal benefits, curcumin's potential extends beyond its traditional use as a spice, particularly noted for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. The analysis delves into a diverse range of studies, meticulously examining the effects of curcumin supplementation on individuals engaged in various forms of physical exertion, encompassing both male and female athletes across different age groups and disciplines.

Significant findings from the review highlight curcumin's capability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, factors crucial in improving muscle recovery and overall sports performance. The studies scrutinized encompass a wide spectrum of physical activities, including endurance and resistance training, indicating curcumin's versatility as a supplement. Its efficacy is particularly pronounced in post-exercise recovery, aiding athletes in managing muscle damage and soreness, facilitating quicker return to training and improved performance.

Moreover, the review underscores curcumin's appeal as a safe supplement option. Unlike many performance-enhancing substances, curcumin supplementation has not been associated with adverse side effects. It is preferred for athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking natural ways to boost their physical capabilities and recovery processes.

In summarizing the evidence, this review sheds light on curcumin's potential as a potent supplement in sports and physical exercise and sets the stage for future research. It calls for more nuanced studies to unravel curcumin's impact on various aspects of physical performance and establish standardized dosing regimens. The promising results thus far pave the way for curcumin to be recognized as a culinary ingredient and a key component in the dietary regimen of those committed to achieving peak physical performance.


student research, kinesiology


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Unveiling Curcumin's Role in Enhancing Athletic Performance and Recovery
