A Data-Driven Approach to 10-Year Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Assessment

A Data-Driven Approach to 10-Year Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Assessment



Faculty Mentor

Gaus Alam, Mathematics, Computing and Information Systems


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Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


3:00-3:10pm | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


Cardiovascular diseases remain a significant global health concern, with early prognosis playing an essential role in justifying associated risks. In this project, we explore the predictive factors associated with the 10-year risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) using a logistic regression model. Our dataset sourced from an ongoing cardiovascular study in Framingham, Massachusetts, comprising demographic, behavioral, and medical risk factors of over 4,000 individuals. The project involves cleansing the dataset, building the logistic regression model, and evaluating model comparisons to reveal key predictors contributing to CHD risk. The presentation will showcase the significance of these predictors and the methodology employed in achieving a reliable logistic regression model.


student research, computing


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Computer Sciences

A Data-Driven Approach to 10-Year Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Assessment
