The Evolution of Hip-Hop and its Impact on Popular Culture

The Evolution of Hip-Hop and its Impact on Popular Culture



Faculty Mentor

Paul Beezley, History & Foreign Language


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Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


9:30-9:40am | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


The evolution of Hip-Hop has been a very dynamic and multifaceted journey. Its origins lies in the South Bronx during the 1970s. Curate by and for African and African Americans, its cultural expression stretched far beyond the unique style of the music; it included rap, DJing, breakdancing, graffiti art, and fashion. This once local phenomenon spread rapidly across urban communities and eventually global recognition as it resonated with other marginalized groups.

Hip-Hop’s impact has been incredibly significant and profound. Within the music industry, it has become a dominant genre by engulfing sales and becoming one of the most streamed genres in the world. Moreover, Hip-Hop and rap has provided a platform for artists to comment on social issues and challenge societal norms by, most often, sharing personal narratives.

Additionally, Hip-Hop has played a pivotal role in social and political movements, providing a background for movements such as the Black Lives Movement. The issues addressed within the genre has also inspired trends and important styles, such as shoes, makeup, and genre streetwear.

Summarily, the evolution of Hip-Hop has not only transformed the music industry, but also left an impactful imprint on American popular culture today. This genre of music transcends its confines, going above and beyond what it was ever thought to become.


student research, history, music


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American Popular Culture

The Evolution of Hip-Hop and its Impact on Popular Culture
