Navigating New Horizons: A Strategic Analysis of Walmart's Prospective Entry into the Southeast Asian Market, with a Spotlight on Indonesia

Navigating New Horizons: A Strategic Analysis of Walmart's Prospective Entry into the Southeast Asian Market, with a Spotlight on Indonesia




Jeren Tolegova

Faculty Mentor

Amy Simon, Management & Marketing


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Submission Type

Conference Proceeding


3:00-3:10pm | Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor


This presentation offers a comprehensive case study exploring the strategic considerations surrounding Walmart's potential entry into the Southeast Asian market, with Indonesia as the focal point. As Walmart contemplates expanding its global footprint, the analysis delves into the multifaceted landscape of Southeast Asia, examining key factors that may influence the success or challenges of such an endeavor. The presentation will include information and analysis on Economic Overview, Indonesian Domestic Consumption, Market Entry Strategy, Financial Analysis and Benefits and Risks. The presentation will commence with an overview of the Southeast Asian market dynamics, providing insights into economic trends, cultural nuances, and regulatory environments unique to the region. By honing in on Indonesia, one of the largest and most diverse economies in Southeast Asia, the audience will gain a granular understanding of the market intricacies that Walmart must navigate. Emphasizing a strategic perspective, the presentation will evaluate market potential, consumer behavior, and competitive forces specific to Indonesia. Drawing on relevant data and market intelligence, attendees will be guided through a structured analysis, identifying opportunities and potential obstacles that Walmart might encounter in this dynamic and culturally rich market. Furthermore, the presentation will address the significance of financial analysis in entering the market in Indonesia. Considering the new financial and economic environment, the data will be gathered and compared to the competing companies in Indonesia.


student research, business


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Navigating New Horizons: A Strategic Analysis of Walmart's Prospective Entry into the Southeast Asian Market, with a Spotlight on Indonesia
