"Bridging the Gap: Re-establishing the Connection Between the Hard and " by Dakota Heathcock

JSU Student Symposium 2021

Bridging the Gap: Re-establishing the Connection Between the Hard and Soft Sciences


Bridging the Gap: Re-establishing the Connection Between the Hard and Soft Sciences



Faculty Mentor

Jan Case, Mathematics, Computing & Information Sciences


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Throughout recorded history, science has played a crucial role in the development of our world. One cannot begin to fathom the complexity of our world from any perspective without a somewhat firm understanding of some form of science. Whether it be physical, social, psychological, political or any other area of our lives, science exists in some way, shape or form. Whenever advancements have been made in any field, science has played a role. This presentation will take a look at the two branches known as the “Hard” and “Soft” sciences. I will describe each of these two branches, illustrate the differences between them, highlight major contributors from each area, emphasize the previous connections that existed between these two arms of science and how they have now drifted apart, and explain how we, as a society, can re-establish this scientific connection. Furthermore, I will note the harmful effects that have been caused by this split between the two branches and elaborate on the benefits and opportunities that will be created for our nation and world if we can come together and bring these two arms back together to the heart of the scientific community.


student research, hard sciences, mathematics


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Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Bridging the Gap: Re-establishing the Connection Between the Hard and Soft Sciences