Faculty Mentor
Chris Murdock, Biology
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Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor | 1:00-1:10 p.m.
Microbial fermentation is often utilized for industrial purposes, including the processes of beer brewing. Beer breweries traditionally use domesticated strains of yeast, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces pastorianus. However, different yeast species yield various flavors and have a significant impact on the quality of the beer produced. The goal of this study was to isolate and identify strains of wild yeast from Northeast Alabama. As the source for wild yeast, the microbial communities from a single yellowjacket (Vespula sp) found in Jacksonville, AL were collected and incubated in a selective liquid medium for yeast . The yeast colonies were isolated and purified on selective media agar plates. Cell morphology and confirmation of yeast isolation was performed using microscopy. Furthermore, DNA was isolated from our yeast cultures and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assay was used to determine if the wild yeast was a traditional brewing strain (i.e., S. cerevisiae or S. pastorianus). Preliminary results have indicated indicated that the isolated yeast is not a traditional brewing yeast. Thus, further testing will occur for the determination of its strain identity, alcohol tolerance, and beer brewing potential.
student presentations, student papers, beer, brewing, yeast
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Biochemistry | Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology
Recommended Citation
Al-Saadi, Sumer and Usrey, Lauren, "Isolation and Identification of a Potential Brewing Yeast from Northeast Alabama" (2020). JSU Student Symposium 2020. 7.
Presentation Information
Al-Saadi, S. and Usrey, L. (2020, 12 February). Isolation and identification of a potential brewing yeast from Northeast Alabama. Paper presented at the 2020 JSU Student Symposium, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL.