Generalist Practice With Individuals, Families, and Groups: Competency Implementation and Evaluation
Faculty Mentor
Kimberly Wickersham, Social Work
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Houston Cole Library, 11th Floor | 11:15-11:25 a.m.
This poster was designed as part of the assignments for the courses Generalist Practice with Individuals and Generalist Practice with Families and Groups. Presented will be the 9 competencies of social work, as laid out by the Council on Social Work Education, and the methods in which they were learned. The competencies will be addressed and linked to both personal and group experiences encountered throughout the semester as students worked towards implementation of the projects. The purpose of this poster is to present that the valuable knowledge taught and applied through classwork, research, and practical project experience was understood and comprehended.
student presentations, student posters, social work competencies
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Social Work
Recommended Citation
Hamilton, Emily; Aldredge, Emily; Anglea, Jane; Hullander, Jessica; Naumcheff, Faith; and Works, Tiffany, "Generalist Practice With Individuals, Families, and Groups: Competency Implementation and Evaluation" (2020). JSU Student Symposium 2020. 25.
Presentation Information
Hamilton, E. et al. (2020, 13 February). Generalist practice with individuals, families, and groups: competency implementation and evaluation. Poster presented at the 2020 JSU Student Symposium, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL.