Holocaust Remembrance

Annual Holocaust Remembrance | 2014

Annual Holocaust Remembrance | 2014




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The 2014 Holocaust Remembrance was held on 10 April at the Stone Center Theatre. The Keynote speaker was Ms. Denise Lewis, daughter of Holocaust survivor Roger Nathan Blum. Ms. Lewis's father was born in Brumath, France in 1920. Encouraged by his parents, Roger left home at age nineteen, coming to Birmingham to stay with a cousin. Some of his family that remained in France were captured by the Nazis, while others went into hiding. In 1942, after being drafted by the U.S. Army, Roger returned to France where he was able to locate his immediate family with the help of the American Red Cross. Roger Blum passed away in 2007.


Keynote speaker: Ms. Denise Lewis; Welcome: SGA president; Invocation: the Rev. Lin Veasey, Covenant Presbyterian Church of Lenlock; Commentary: Dr. Russel Lemmons, Department of History and Foreign Language; "Imagining the Holocaust" Writing Contest Coordinators: April Walker and Susan Dean, Department of English; Music: Dr. Nathan Wight (baritone), Department of Music and Cheryl Wight (accompanist); Kaddish: Members of Temple Beth-El, Anniston.


European History | Holocaust and Genocide Studies


The physical media (DVDs) from which these items were digitized is held in the Library's Alabama Gallery Special Collections.


Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945).


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Annual Holocaust Remembrance | 2014
