
The seventh annual Alphie Awards ceremony was held 31 April 2001. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive. If you can provide more information please contact us by emailing
This event was held at the Caldwell Building in Anniston, Alabama.
- Micheal Waid -- Best Cameo (Hamlet)
- Chrissy Millwood -- Best Supporting Actress in non-musical role (Pools Paradise)
- Jeremy West -- Best Supporting Actor in non-musical role (Hamlet)
- Jayme Thomas -- Best Supporting Actress/Musical (Anything Goes)
- Tim Prestridge -- Best Supporting Actor/Musical (Anything Goes)
- Stephanie Crossman -- Best Student Design (Noises Off)
- Kristal Long -- Most Improved Actress
- Most Improved Actor -- John Dodson
- Casey Cox -- Best Actress/Musical (Anything Goes)
- John Dodson -- Best Actor/Musical (Anything Goes)
- Margaret Harviley -- Best Overall Technician
- Tanya Poore -- Best Actress/Non-Musical (Tennessee's Rose)
- Fabio Pires -- Best Actor/Non-Musical (Hamlet)
- Mrs. Luanne Longan -- Patron of the Arts
- Dr. Lawrence Miles -- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Tim Prestridge -- Blue and Gold Award
Is Part Of
The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Dinners and dining, Award presentations
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Recommended Citation
Jacksonville State University, "Alphie Awards Banquet (2001) | Image 047" (2001). Department of Theatre & Film Performance Archive | Images. 6316.
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State University -- Faculty, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama, Dinners and dining, Award presentations