
Performed: 16-20 November 2000; William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" was presented by the drama department in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of its first performance in London 1600. Hamlet is a tragedy set in Denmark. Prince Hamlet takes revenge on his uncle Claudius who murdered Hamlet's father in order to seize his throne and marry Hamlet's mother. The play was directed by Dr. Wayne Claeren. This item is contained within the Theatre & Film Production Archive.
This performance was held in the Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center Theatre.
- Fabio Pires -- Hamlet
- John Dodson -- Laertes
- Shane Goodwin -- King Claudius
- Devon Boodoian -- Queen Gertrude
- Casey Cox -- Ophelia
- Jeremy West -- Horatio
- Michael Waid -- ghost of Hamlet's father
- Justin Fox
- Chris Colvard
Is Part Of
The original items are located in the Library’s Alabama Gallery Special Collections.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama
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Recommended Citation
Jacksonville State University, "Hamlet (2000) | Image 018" (2000). Department of Theatre & Film Performance Archive | Images. 6104.
Jacksonville State University -- History, College students -- Alabama, Jacksonville State University -- Students, College and school drama