Alabama History & Culture
The Houston Cole Library holds multiple archival and other items related to Alabama's History & Culture. Digitized versions of these materials can be found in this collection. Digitization efforts are ongoing, and new materials are added on a regular basis.
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My Relative Helped Found JSU: A Biographical Article on Wilson Parks Howell
Winston Mark Fagan
This biographical article is the work for Mark Fagan, Professor Emeritus in the university's Department of Sociology and Social Work. It offers a brief summary of the life of Wilson Parks Howell, a relative of Fagan's and a founding member of the Board of Directors of the State Normal School at Jacksonville, which would later become JSU. Fagan has also published a book-length biography of Howell: A Biography of Captain Wilson Parks Howell (1832-1912).
Video Tour of Saint Luke's Episcopal Church -- Jacksonville, Alabama
Saint Luke's Episcopal Church and Ronald J. Caldwell
This video history was created by St. Luke's Episcopal Church, located in Jacksonville, Alabama. The history is hosted by commentator Ronald J. Caldwell, a former professor of history at Jacksonville State University, and author of the book "A History of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Jacksonville, Alabama, 1844-1994." Run time is approximately 57 minutes.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 10: Reform and the Media: What Role for Journalists?
Bob Blalock, Frances Coleman, and John Fleming
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 11: Constitution-making in the 21st Century
G. Alan Tarr and Howard P. Walthall
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 1: What Is A State Constitution?
Gerald Johnson and Bo Torbert
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 2: Revolt and Reaction: Origins of the 1901 Alabama Constitution
Leah Rawls Atkins and Sam Webb
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 3: White Supremacy Triumphant: The 1901 Convention
Hardy Jackson
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 4: Big Mules Vs. Reformers: A Clash of Wills
Wayne Flynt and Anne Permaloff
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 5: State Government: How Effective?
Robert M. Schaefer and Brad Moody
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 6: Missing: Local Democracy
Joe Sumners and William Stewart
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 8: Grass Roots Vs. Special Interests
Natalie Davis and Odessa Woolfolk
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy | Vol. 9: How Reform Might Work in Alabama
Albert Brewer and Thomas E. Corts
Alabama Constitution: 100 Years of Controversy is a series originally recorded on VHS that features historians and other experts exploring different aspects of the Alabama Constitution of 1901. The original VHS set was made up of 15 tapes; the Library received 11 episodes as a donation. One tape (with episode 7) was unable to be played or digitized. The other 10 episodes are available for streaming and download.
Salute to Kitty Stone Scrapbook
Martha Stillwell
Kitty Stone, wife of JSU President Emeritus Ernest Stone, was a longtime educator who worked to improve standards in the Jacksonville School System and the State of Alabama. She began her career in Jacksonville in the 1940s as a first grade teacher at what was then known as Jacksonville Elementary Laboratory School, which was an extension of Jacksonville State Teachers College. Stone went on to serve as director of the laboratory school and JSTC's student teacher program, and later principal of the school until her retirement on 30 September 1971. The school was later named Kitty Stone Elementary School in her honor.
This scrapbook was compiled by Martha Stillwell and presented to Mrs. Stone by Sherry Butler on behalf of the faculty of Kitty Stone Elementary School, at the Salute to Kitty Stone ceremony which was held 24 April 1994 in the gymnasium of the school. The scrapbook contains memorabilia from the event as well as a number of letters by prominent politicians, local leaders, and Jacksonville citizens. Congratulatory correspondence includes letters by former U.S. President William Clinton, U.S. Dept. of Education Secretary Richard Riley, U.S. Senator Howell Heflin, U.S. Representatives Glen Browder and Richard Shelby, Alabama Governor Jim Folsom, Alabama State Superintendent of Education Wayne Teague, and many more.
Antebellum Jacksonville: Events that Shaped the Character of a Northeastern Alabama Town
Worden Weaver
This is a paper presented by Worden Weaver, Assistant Professor of History at Jacksonville State University, to the 36th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Historical Association held in Birmingham, Alabama on 23 April 1983.
This item is part of the JSU Addresses & Speeches collection.
Censorship in Calhoun County Schools: A Speech by Thomas J. Freeman
Thomas J. Freeman
This is a transcript of a speech or possibly a report meant for circulation by Thomas J. Freeman, who was a Department Head at the Library under Dean Millican. It details book challenges in Calhoun County school libraries in the Fall of 1982.
This item is part of the JSU Addresses & Speeches collection.
Cooperative Library Resource Sharing Among Universities Supporting Graduate Study in Alabama
Alabama Commission on Higher Education, Council of Librarians
A study of academic libraries in the State of Alabama by the Council of Librarians, an advisory Council to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education, was completed in April 1982. The impetus for the study came from the Council of Graduate Deans, also an advisory Council to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education, and was presented to that body at their Spring meeting, April 21 to 23, 1982.
Cooperative Library Resource Sharing Among Universities Supporting Graduate Study in Alabama is a qualitative statement about one component of our postsecondary institutional resources and is based on the assumption that academic libraries represent a valid barometer of institutional excellence in programmatic development and research.
This statewide study consists of five independent reports developed over a period of twelve months which collectively represent a comprehensive assessment of the academic libraries of sixteen postsecondary institutions, both public and private. In addition, the reports establish the foundation for continuing and expanding cooperative network activities. Included in the study are detailed analyses of collection development as well as staff and space adequacy according to commonly accepted standards and criteria; current status and trends in bibliographic and physical access; and a profile of Alabama's academic library computerization activities against the state-of-the-art in library computerization nationally. The reports also provide comparative analyses of the libraries against regional and national measures of excellence.
The recommendations which emerge from the study culminate in a systematic plan for cooperative resource sharing among academic libraries supporting graduate education, a plan which, if only partially implemented, would serve to enrich substantially not only the existing system but other statewide multi-type library networks as well. The completion of the study is testimony to the climate and level of cooperative activity which currently exists among the State's academic librarians and reinforces the status of the Council of Librarians as a mechanism of proven capability for future efforts.
Calhoun County: Past, Present, and Future: Symposium on the Historical Development of Calhoun County | Vol. 1
Jacksonville State University
This video, originally in U-Matic format, was recorded at the Houston Cole Library. It covers a symposium examining different aspects of the historic and economic development of Calhoun County, Alabama. These include: pre-history, historic period, oral history, history of Fort McClellan, history of Jacksonville State University, organizations, and demography. The video was sponsored by the Committee for the Humanities in Alabama and Jacksonville State University. Speakers include: Harry Holstein, Worden Weaver, Douglas McConatha, Luke Owen, Jerry Smith, Adrian Aveni, and Howard G. Johnson.
Calhoun County: Past, Present, and Future: Symposium on the Historical Development of Calhoun County | Vol. 2
Jacksonville State University
This video, originally in U-Matic format, was recorded at the Houston Cole Library. It covers a symposium examining different aspects of the historic and economic development of Calhoun County, Alabama. These include: pre-history, historic period, oral history, history of Fort McClellan, history of Jacksonville State University, organizations, and demography. The video was sponsored by the Committee for the Humanities in Alabama and Jacksonville State University. Speakers include: Harry Holstein, Worden Weaver, Douglas McConatha, Luke Owen, Jerry Smith, Adrian Aveni, and Howard G. Johnson.
Mr. X and Mr. Y: Source Materials
Donald Brown
This collection of notes, photographs, and newspaper clippings includes some of the source materials used by Donald Brown (b. 1936) for his book, Mr. X and Mr. Y. Mr. Brown was a reporter for the Birmingham News who covered the so-called "torso murders" -- the murders of brothers Emmett and Lee Harper, whose dismembered bodies were found in Etowah and St. Clair counties in Alabama in June 1959. A 31-year-old Calhoun County woman, Viola Hyatt, confessed to the murders, was tried, convicted, and sentenced to Tutwiler prison. The included photographs were taken by photographer Norman Dean, of the Birmingham News.
Historic Jacksonville: Semi-Centennial, 1902-1952
Annie Rowan Forney Daugette and Edith Schoonmaker Wilson
This work was published by the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce and the United Daughters of the Confederacy to celebrate the history of Jacksonville at the semi-centennial (1902-1952) of the founding of the General John H. Forney Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Written by Annie Rowan Forney Daugette, daughter of a Civil War veteran and wife of State Normal School president C.W. Daugette, it primarily contains information on the historic homes of Jacksonville and those who built and lived in them, as well as other points of interest (e.g., the Public Square, the First Baptist Church, the State Normal School, etc.). The photographs were made by Edith Schoonmaker Wilson.
Jacksonville Past and Present: A Pageant of Jacksonville History
Jacksonville State Normal School
This is a "Pageant of Jacksonville History" which was written by the History 8 Method Class of Jacksonville State Normal School and performed at the close of Summer School in 1924. The original document was found in the Library's vertical file.
CONTENT NOTE: This pageant is a product of its time and its content, concepts, and language reflect this.