Creation Date
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Students, Commencement ceremonies

Graduation exercises were held June 2, 1944 at Jacksonville State Teachers College. Shown standing outside Bibb Graves Hall dressed in caps and gowns while holding their diplomas are the JSTC graduating class members of 1944. Bachelor of Science degrees were awarded to Laura Burns, Mrs. Madge Campbell, Mrs. Edith Kelly Clegg, Mavis Cofield, Mrs. Erna Ruth Daniel, Clarice Mae Driskill, William Robert Grissom, Buna Guest Hall, Auburn Hope, Irene King, Olena McCary, Charlotte Mock, Lois Norred, Edwina Patty, Euclid Rains, Mrs. Wynelle Riddle Creel, Mrs. Mattie Mae Ryan, Inez Spears, Waymon Strother, Mrs. Nona Wallace, and Frances Weaver.
Date Digitized
September 2017
Names of Persons Pictured
Wynelle Riddle, Wynelle Creel [sic], Frances Weaver, Charlotte Mock
Is Part Of
This image is the property of Jacksonville State University and is intended for non-commercial use. Images may be copied for research, teaching, personal, or any fair use as defined by U.S. copyright law. Images may not be altered in any way. Users of these images are asked to acknowledge Jacksonville State University. For questions or further information about usage rights, please contact
The original printed photograph is housed in the Houston Cole Library Alabama Gallery, Box 3, Item 545.
Technical Metadata
Archival images are tiffs scanned from the original material at 575 dpi. The file name is PSP1940graduation_00545.tif; file size is 32.2 MB. Original image is 5 by 7 on glossy photographic paper
Jacksonville State University -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- History, Jacksonville State Teachers College -- Students, Commencement ceremonies