Booklet: Flat Spread


Digital files are used to produce booklet design spreads introducing the teaching method integrated into an English Language Arts course. The following is an example project using the Videntis method in an English/Language Arts class. 1. Teach Content Learning about poems, students read the poems of “Beowulf” and “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” 2. Assign Project Coat of Arms Project: After examining the literature of “Beowulf” and “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and discussing the heroic qualities of each character in each poem, students identify their personal heroic attributes and then create a coat of arms that represents those personal heroic qualities using symbolism, color, and visuals. 3. Research // Ideate Students choose four words, research those four words and what they mean visually, and provide rough drawings of the symbols they are creating. Students provide a presentation to turn in on those four words and why they chose them to describe their own attributes. The students will receive feedback on their ideas. 4. Create // Revise The students take feedback from their initial idea and create their shield. The students bring their work-in-progress shields and continue to work on them during class. The workday is the final opportunity for the students to receive feedback from the teacher and classmates. 5. Final // Evaluate The students are evaluated on the following: the presentation of the project, the quality of the shield, and completing the requirements of the project. The students will discuss their project to the class, what four words describe their heroic qualities, and why they chose these final visuals for their shield. After their presentation, they will write a short reflection essay on what they enjoyed about the project, what was successful, and what they would change to enhance their product.